Monday, November 30, 2009

Working on our Conservation Projects...With a little help from our farm animals :)

In 2005, Rick and I began working with Hocking County Soil and Water Conservation District to design and implement a conservation plan for our farm to limit the environmental impacts from our livestock. In 2008 we became cooperators with the district and began working closely with them to develop projects that were funded by the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP). For more info on EQIP check out:

Through the program we have cost shared a variety of projects including installing over 4,482 feet of high tensile fencing to keep livestock out of our pond and aid in rotational grazing practices. We have also developed a spring, by tapping into a seep behind our barn area and collecting it into a spring box and watering trough that can be used year-around without freezing. The overflow is directed to our pond. By developing the spring we have found an alternative to allowing the livestock access to our pond and therefore, prevent excess nutrients (in the way of manure) from entering the pond and prevented the spring seep from being contaminated by livestock manure in the barn yard prior to flowing into the pond.

We are close to completing the final project for the year. We have installed a concrete underground cistern to hold water both from the overflow from the spring-fed watering trough and eventually the run-off from the barn roof. The cistern has an overflow that is directed to the pond. As part of the project we installed two automatic watering troughs (one is heated!) with float valves and a water pump house and pump. This projects allows access to water in pastures that otherwise could not be utilized for longer periods of time without hauling water. Talking about a back saver for Rick and I!
Finishing this project entailed my father installing the electric to the pump and having Rick’s kind brother, Jerry come down with his heavy equipment. A BIG THANK YOU TO MY DAD AND JERRY!!!!
Jerry and Rick dug and buried the cistern and water lines together. In addition, they poured concrete pads for the watering troughs in the field. You know what is like to keep chickens, goats, horses, geese, pigs and a livestock guardian dogs out of curing cement? Sounds like the beginning of some strange joke.... As always around our farm, the animals thought they should get in on the action and of course I had to take pictures......

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